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In the past when cognition was found to be the vital component for the acquisition of knowledge by way of reasoning, intuition, or perception, it was established the human thought process had roots planted firmly into Mother Nature that re-sows the seeds of discarded thoughts via the sixth sense. After identifying the mystical powers of Mother Nature cultivating human knowledge to navigate the direction of humanity over time, our ancient ancestors feared the worst. Realising the ignorance that existed in the dark side of humanity already established in the nature of the few would continue to grow, and exploits the light of wisdom directing the majority of humanity. Our ancestors explored the mystical powers of our nature even further, to develop a power of understanding from a supernatural level known as precognition. To discover the highest level of thinking they opened up a porthole into the mysteries of space and time, travelling in the light across all three dimensions that divide space and time they reached the uppermost peak of wisdom at the highest point of the universe above and beyond the jurisdiction of Mother Nature.

Armed with the knowledge of our connection to the true nature of our surroundings, navigating the balance between the dark and the light side of human cognition, it could be seen the human race was directed by the combined will in the natural majority of individuals through time. Our enlightened leaders wasted no time to realign the darker consciousness of the unnatural few in an elevated position above the mainstream of society opposite the highest moral and intellectual level of the natural majority, and promoted them as kings among their pride that placed the natural rule of the majority in a controlled coma, suspending their precognitive consciousness, blacked out to protect their nonphysical being while they developed naturally through the mysterious forces of the natural universe so every man could earn their personal space in the universe in their own time. The majority abandoned hunting and gathering, and domesticated the animals to farm the land to begin the long haul towards a civilised way of making a living. And as expected the transformation from the traditional customs proved to be far less inviting for a darker minded few refusing to accept the combined powers of spirit in the greater majority, and claimed the land as god given and theirs to do with as they will, giving rise to the battle of the two opposing sides of humanity in what is known today as the Neolithic revolution. A defiance of the power of authority given to the ruling majority via precognitive thinking still being challenged by the darker side of human thought that still prevails in the last remaining hunter gatherers today. Despite thousands of years the two opposing sides are still rising from the Neolithic revolution; on the one side lies the minority led by the unnatural few commonly known as the freemasons. Who were given charge of the system of capital by our secret unseen leaders who initiated the construction of capitalism with the production of the pyramid system, a highly lucrative system employed to attract the dark side of ignorance into the centre of society to rise to the pinnacle of darkness in opposition to the light of wisdom to provoke all reasonable argument to sustain society during our education that orders the nature of both rational and irrational cognitive thought, to act as the negative for the positive journey through democracy, allowing the majority of the human race to reach a civilised society at the height of perfection. On the opposite side are the majority who are led by the enlightened, known in more general terms as the illuminati, employed to manoeuvre the entire human race, through the ten thousand year journey to civilisation. A battle of wills that separates the light from the dark that affects every character travelling from the colourful to the light or from the shady to the dark. A conflict that will never be satisfied in the darker side of humanity until the whole process of thought is rearranged for the benefit of the few that in reality allows the majority to reach the peak of wisdom through our god given nature of precognition.

Consequently today Mother Nature continues to nurture the natural order of humanity through the consciousness of the majority in chronological order via insight, cultivating both the food crop and our thought crop to guide our consciousness towards our ability to see clearly and intuitively into the nature of the complex situations the minority continue to cultivate and expand throughout the human race today.