Keep in touch with the better half, by keeping an eye on the other half

Where did we come from, Why are we here, and Where are we going, three unanswered questions every individual has asked themselves since the human being first learned how to string a thought together. Well believe it or believe it not these questions have all been answered and the answers have been with us for thousands of years, and before humanity learned how to write them down.


The genetic makeup encoded in the human race is part of a universal code, from which we emerged, and from which we rely on more than we care to realise.

As the universe expands its space so the contents become divided, the division of humanity has been justified by the minority throughout the years with the concept of patriotism; from those who defend their country in any way that supports the single dominant tribe, who have spent their time trying to persuade the rest of us it is better to love your country than it is to love each other. On the other hand the division of humanity is otherwise justified by the majority on the concept that can only be deciphered from our genetic code; which our ancient ancestors found written in the stars that states, for individuals to become whole and at one with each other as part of the environmental and universal whole we must first become divided.

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Here is the key to unlock the secret code of the universe built into the pyramids and gain access into the three monumental hieroglyphs that details humanity and our environment as a whole throughout the mysterious dimensions of all time.

Using the mathematical system of symbols built into the pyramids; see how to open the portholes into the parallel universe, freeing the spirit to access the past via the inner realms to quantum leap the present dimension of time.

This offers your present consciousness a peak into both heaven and hell on earth from the present and a future consciousness, where the fathers of our ancient forefathers could only dream of going beyond the grave.

Only you have the power to earn the position you deserve in society and in the universe, both horizontally and vertically towards the light of wisdom or the darkness of ignorance, in both the present life and in the future afterlife. Do you have the depth of mind to accept the responsibilities you need to travel throughout space and rebalance the process of time on your return and the strength of spirit to make the personal sacrifices to fulfil your destiny?

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